Get the latest stable version of Clementine for your operating system.
Downloads for other operating systems
1.3.1Debian Jessie
Download Clementine for Mac to queue-based music player with Spotify,, and Growl support. Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.8, Mac OS X 10.7. Additional Requirements None. 8/10 (6 点) - 無料でClementineをダウンロード Clementine 音楽コレクションをカタログするためのオプションと完全なオーディオ プレーヤーです。ダウンロード Clementine 可聴周波ファイルのための革新的な機能をお楽しみいただけます. 我々 が今持っているみかんのおいしそうなセグメントのルックス.
1.3.1Debian Jessie
1.3.1Raspberry Pi
1.3.1Fedora 21
1.3.1Fedora 21
1.3.1Fedora 22
1.3.1Fedora 22
1.3.1Fedora 23
1.3.1Fedora 23
1.3.1Source Code

Ubuntu Precise
1.3.1Ubuntu Precise
1.3.1Ubuntu Trusty
1.3.1Ubuntu Trusty
1.3.1Ubuntu Vivid

Ubuntu Vivid
1.3.1Ubuntu Wily
1.3.1Ubuntu Wily
1.3.1Ubuntu Xenial
1.3.1Ubuntu Xenial
Ubuntu PPA
You can download the latest version of Clementine on Ubuntu from the official PPA:
Dependencies for Ubuntu Precise (12.04)
New versions of Clementine require GStreamer 1.0 which wasn't included in Ubuntu 12.04. If you get errors installing Clementine you should add the GStreamer PPA as well:
Clementine Remote for Android
Unofficial packages
If you don't see your distribution listed above then someone else might have created an unofficial package for you.
Compiling from source
Compiling Clementine from source is easy on Linux.Download the source code package from the list above, and in a terminal window:
Bleeding edge packages
Clementine Mac 10 6 Download
Development on Clementine happens inthe git repository.Check out the code by running:
If you'd prefer not to compile the development version yourself then try one of the hourly packages:
There's also an Ubuntu PPA for these development builds:
Clementine Download
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi FoundationSponsored Link
Clementine is a multiplatform music player. It is inspired by Amarok 1.4, focusing on a fast and easy-to-use interface for searching and playing your music.What is new in 1.2.1
Version 1.2.1:
* Fix library download in the network remote.
* Fix removing songs from playlist in the network remote.
* Fix login failures with
* (Mac OS X) Add a workaround for a weird font issue on 10.9.
* (Linux) Fix a typo that would prevent the Spotify downloader button from ever being shown.
Version 1.2:
Major features:
* Add support for indexing and playing music from Box, Dropbox, Skydrive,and Ubuntu One.
* Add support for Subsonic.
* Remote control support for Android.
* Add a Playlist tab to the sidebar. Starred playlists are saved in here when their tabs are closed.
Other features:
* Add configurable blur & opacity to album art when used as a playlist background.
* Support Opus where available.
* Support .mka and .oga file extensions.
* Parsing support for WPL playlists.
* Sort providers by user preference.
* Add year and bitrate to MPRIS2 messages.
* Add 'not equals' operator to fields in the smart playlist wizard.
* Add an option to write ratings, play count and scores to files.
* Add options to show the rating and score on the OSD.
* Add support for POPM tags.
* Add support for FMPS tags in Ogg, FLAC, MP4 and ASF files.
* Compile the bundled Taglib with ASF, MP4 and Opus support.
* Make it possible to cancel cover searches.
* Add an option to resume playback on startup.
* Add support for Performer and Grouping tags.
* Add Radio GFM.
* Add an Apply button to the settings dialog.
* Make it possible to mark all episodes of a podcast as new/listened.
* Add an option for fading in/out on pause/unpause.
* Add stereo balance slider to the equalizer.
* Add a --restart-or-previous commandline flag.
* Allow files to be transcoded directly from the playlist.
* Export downloaded album covers
Removed features:
* Removed iDevice support -- it doesn't work well with modern devices and
libgpod isn't being updated to support them.
* (Windows) Removed support for WMDM devices. This was very fragile to
cross-compile and was buggy and untested.
* (Mac OS X) Removed support for 10.6. OS X 10.7 or later is now required.
* Fix gapless playback!
* Detect corrupt FLAC files when parsing tags.
* Load tags from local files asynchronously.
* Show more than 5 album results at a time from Spotify.
* Detect login failures correctly.
* Support x-audio/* mime types for podcasts.
* Locale-aware library sorting.
* Remove duplicate tracks from Spotify search results.
* Do not fetch Magnatune library until the service is expanded.
* Sort Magnatune library after refresh.
* Make the playlist parser recognise 2 character URL schemes.
* Read and write more metadata for MP4 tags.
* Translate Unity quicklist actions.
* Fix a memory leak when fingerprinting songs.
* Preserve user stats when opening the edit tag dialog.
* Fix neverending task when a Grooveshark session is invalid.
* Elide the fancy sidebar text on the right instead of the middle.
* Increase the maximum size of the moodbar cache.
* Use a new Amazon access key.
* Select the next tab when a playlist tab is closed.
* Fix radio playlists in non-English locales.
* Fix cursor following playback.
* Hide moodbar playlist column by default.
* Use native language names in the language selector where available.
* Only show a tooltip on sidebar tabs when needed.
* Never start playing a background stream (like Hypnotoad) on startup.
* Run the moodbar generation at a lower CPU and IO priority.
* Pressing space with the seekbar focused now toggles play/pause.
* Update tray icon progress immediately on track change.
* Don't replace song metadata with blank m3u EXTINF metadata.
* Fix a bug when fingerprinting files with non-ascii characters.
* Fix occasional freezing analyzers.
* Make wheel events on the analyzer change the volume.
* (Mac OS X and Windows) Highlight the actual file in Finder or Explorer when using 'Show file in browser'.
* (Windows) Run Clementine with normal user privileges after installation.
* (Windows) Fix a 'Error loading http://audio/mpegurl' error on first start.
* (Mac OS X) Don't probe stupid printers when scanning for music devices.
* (Mac OS X) Show a better error message when using an old version of OS X.
Build system changes:
* Add continous builds for Fedora Core 18, Ubuntu 12.10 and Ubuntu 13.04.
* (Linux) Use the system's version of libmygpo-qt if available.
* (Mac OS X and Windows) Upgrade to Qt 4.8.3.
* (Mac OS X) Sign release .dmgs.
Install Clementine 1.2.1 in ubuntu 13.10
Open the terminal and run the following commands
Clementine Mac 10 6 Inch
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:me-davidsansome/clementine
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install clementine
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