Download BlueStacks Version full offline installer. Bluestacks is a full rooted Bluestacks installer & you can download here from In this Bluestacks version, you can run all latest games & apps without any restriction. So download & play.
Run Your All Android App On PC with BlueStacks.
Bluestacks is a Windows & Mac-based Android Virtual Machine Software, Which can run or play all Android Apps On PC. Bluestacks installs a latest Android Operating System on PC according to its version update. You can also download all apps from Google Play store app because it comes with pre-installed with every latest Bluestacks release and Google Play Store also available in Bluestacks rooted version. So you can do everything as you can on Android-based devices.
Download & install BlueStacks Version from Official
To download BlueStacks Version rooted from click on download link: Click here to Download.
Bluestacks 4.40 significantly improves performance and adds a media manager. In September 2018 the anxiously-awaited BlueStacks 4.0 was released, with its main new feature being the fact that it could be used with Android 7 Nougat, in addition to presenting an updated interface and more compatibility.
- After clicking on above link a new tab will open and download page will appear.
- On download page click on DOWNLOAD (194.71 MB) green button.
- As you click on the button a file dialog box will appear then click on Save File button to start the file download.
- wait until the file is not fully downloaded. When it gets download open the download folder.
- Double click or right click and Run as administrator to run BlueStacks Version. Rooted.msi.
- Accept the license agreement checkbox and click on Next button.
- Click on Next button again.
- Now click on Install button and the installation starts.
- After Installation click on Finish button. And your installation will be completed.
- BlueStacks is one of the quintessential Android emulators for PC. This excellent program allows us to run Android applications on our PC or Mac personal computer.In this article we are going to talk about offline mode installer, a recommended option for those users who do not always have an internet connection.
- Virtualization allows a single processor to run different operating systems simultaneously and it is a requisite for running BlueStacks efficiently. Once you have entered the BIOS settings in your PC, the steps for enabling virtualization will vary according to the CPU you have.
- Download bluestacks 2 for free. Mobile Phone Tools downloads - BlueStacks by BlueStack Systems, Inc. And many more programs are available for instant and free download.
- BlueStacks Exclusives Jan 08, 2021. A Surprise Awaits You, Winners from BlueStacks “12 Days of Christmas Giveaways” Event. Recently, BlueStacks hosted its first-ever Giveaway, “12 Days of Christmas Giveaways“ for its entire community for all the love and support they have showered on BlueStacks over the years.
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Run Android apps on your PC
Older versions of BlueStacks App Player
It's not uncommon for the latest version of an app to cause problems when installed on older smartphones. Sometimes newer versions of apps may not work with your device due to system incompatibilities. Until the app developer has fixed the problem, try using an older version of the app. If you need a rollback of BlueStacks App Player, check out the app's version history on Uptodown. It includes all the file versions available to download off Uptodown for that app. Download rollbacks of BlueStacks App Player for Windows. Any version of BlueStacks App Player distributed on Uptodown is completely virus-free and free to download at no For Mac